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Grassroots NW

Worksystems, Inc. — Portland, Oregon

Mission:  From programs targeting teens at risk of dropping out of school to filling the gap between employer needs and worker skills, Worksystems, Inc. provides workforce solutions that support individual prosperity and business competitiveness.

Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) is a nonprofit agency that accelerates economic growth in the City of Portland, Multnomah and Washington counties by pursuing and investing resources to improve the quality of the workforce. It designs and coordinates workforce development programs and services delivered through a network of local partners to help people get the skills, training and education they need to go to work or to advance in their careers. Since 1998, Worksystems has invested nearly $300 million in the community.

Consulting Role (2011):  Prepare successful funding proposal submitted to US Department of Labor that secured a $5 million grant for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership to enhance skills of local workers in H-1B visa occupation groups thus strengthening the U.S. workforce and reducing the need to bring in foreign workers to fill these high skilled occupations. Funds support individual certification and/or industry credentials in information technology (IT) and advanced manufacturing.

On a rushed timeline, Bill was able to sculpt our data and general proposal concept into a compelling grant narrative that secured a $5 million grant award to the Portland region.  Beyond crafting a competitive narrative and doing original research, Bill’s expertise identified missing or weak content elements.  When it was time to submit the final proposal we were confident that our application was thorough, fact based and included all required components.”

— Jesse Aronson, Project Manager