Mission: Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. is dedicated to promoting success for women in the trades through education, leadership and mentorship.
OTI’s program elements include
- Pathways To Success offers a free, 7-week, pre-apprenticeship training class that helps women prepare for a high skill, high wage career in construction.
- Building Girls helps fill a critical gap for young women by offering ways to explore the variety of exciting, high-paying careers available in the trades.
Tradeswomen Organized for Outreach, Leadership and Support is OTI’s membership driven, TOOLS program fosters leadership and activism skills for tradeswomen and empowers them to advocate for quality, safe, and equitable workplaces and communities.
- Women In The Trades Career Fair is OTI’s annual (since 1993) volunteer-powered 3-day event offers dozens of hands-on activities designed to introduce 1,000+ women and girls to the possibility of a future career in the trades.
Consulting Role (1995-2001): Served as Oregon Tradeswomen’s initial staff support for membership development and grantwriting. Grant revenue secured led to hiring of founding Executive Director Connie Ashbrook, more than $250,000 in foundation and government grant revenue, and a first Federal Grant (WANTO from US Dept of Labor).
“Bill was instrumental in our success as we moved from an all volunteer organization to one that could secure local foundation grants, a Federal grant and the hiring of permanent staff. His values and passion for our work were as valuable as his organizational and resource development skills.”
— Connie Ashbrook, OTI Executive Director